The concept of jihad from time to time and from generation to generation undergoes various changes depending on circumstances. However,…
Humans are always obsessed with a newness. They are trying to display and apply a newness in various aspects of…
MAN 1 Malang is one of the formal educational institutions in Malang regency under the auspices of the Ministry of…
The debate of scholars on Sufi interpretation is caused by differences in the methods and sources of interpretation used. Some…
This paper aims to criticize Tafsir al-Manar, Muhammad Abduh's monumental work as a pioneer of modern interpretation, which criticizes classical…
Since the early Middle Ages, covered the moving of West Slavic tribes in considerable part of the Central Europe, extending…
The article discusses the unique in the history of ancient Russia case - direct contact GaLician-Volyn Prince Daniel Romanovich with…
The article assesses the state of current research in the field of history of GaLicia-Volyn Rus, identifies and analyzes the…
Based on the analysis of Medieval Moldavian and Rumanian sources and works, the Old-Rus' population of the Carpatho-Dniestrovian region, the…
The beginning and progress of military operations between Turkish and Russian forces during the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774 is researched.…