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Searching For: 2685-1547 2685-1555

Kontekstualisasi Konsep Jihad Dalam Al-Qur’an (Q.S Al-Nisa [4]: 95) Sebagai Upaya Preventif Covid-19)

The concept of jihad from time to time and from generation to generation undergoes various changes depending on circumstances. However,…

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Views: 1

Evolusi Madrasah Tafsir Al-Qur’an di Mesir: Penelusuran Era dan Tipologi Media

Humans are always obsessed with a newness. They are trying to display and apply a newness in various aspects of…

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Views: 1

Analisis Kemampuan Membaca Al-Qur’an Dalam Perspektif Sosiologi Pengetahuan

MAN 1 Malang is one of the formal educational institutions in Malang regency under the auspices of the Ministry of…

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Views: 1

Konstruksi Hermeneutika Tafsir Sufi

The debate of scholars on Sufi interpretation is caused by differences in the methods and sources of interpretation used. Some…

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Views: 1

Model Penafsiran Kisah oleh Muhammad Abduh dalam Al-Manar: Studi Kisah Adam pada Surah Al-Baqarah

This paper aims to criticize Tafsir al-Manar, Muhammad Abduh's monumental work as a pioneer of modern interpretation, which criticizes classical…

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Views: 1

The Slavs in Central Germany

Since the early Middle Ages, covered the moving of West Slavic tribes in considerable part of the Central Europe, extending…

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Views: 1

Daniil Galitsky and Templars

The article discusses the unique in the history of ancient Russia case - direct contact GaLician-Volyn Prince Daniel Romanovich with…

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Views: 1

Some disputed issues study Galicia-Volyn Russia while Roman Mstislavovich and Daniel Romanovich (notes on modern Historiography)

The article assesses the state of current research in the field of history of GaLicia-Volyn Rus, identifies and analyzes the…

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Views: 1

Rusins in Moldavian Historiography

Based on the analysis of Medieval Moldavian and Rumanian sources and works, the Old-Rus' population of the Carpatho-Dniestrovian region, the…

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Views: 1

The Russo-Turkish War 1768-1774 and the end of turkish domination in Northern Bukovina

The beginning and progress of military operations between Turkish and Russian forces during the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774 is researched.…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1


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